Saturday, December 6, 2014

It’s official (finally): The US is no longer the world’s #1 economy
The West, and the US in particular, is plagued by:

Insane debt levels, which the government has been accumulating at faster and faster rates, hitting an unprecedented $18 trillion in debt this past week.

Short-sighted monetary policy, from quantitative easing that has debased the currency to negative interest rates that have wiped out any reason to be smart with money.

A crippled economy, as Western nations’ oppressive taxation frightens away the productive, and handouts have created a society of dependency.

Global bullying, as the US spies on its own citizens and allies, compelling businesses and governments to terminate their relationships with the Land of the Free.

Waging endless wars, whether against nouns (‘terrorism’), plants (‘drugs’), and brown people on the other side of the planet who supposedly hate us for our freedom. If they only knew…

A population that lives in fear, as you are more likely to get shot by your own police in the United States today than to ever even see a terrorist.

It’s pretty hard to maintain the top spot when that’s what you stand for.

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