Monday, September 2, 2013

Wave of fast food strikes hits 60 cities

It's not just platinum and gold mining workers from South Africa striking; it's also BART workers in the San Francisco bay area.

Now, fast food workers all across America are demanding hiring wages.

Inflation will soar, and by honest calculations, we already have inflation--hence, the wage strikes.  Meanwhile, the government's BLS continues to pump out understated CPI numbers to mask true inflation.  If the cost of living was so tame, why are workers globally demanding huge wage increases?

The authorities insist inflation is tame--and that we need HIGHER inflation in order to stimulate the economy.  This is a classic case of "be careful what you wish for," because while the velocity of money is dormant, the monetary base is exploding due to the Fed's easy monetary and zero interest rate policies.

Once inflation truly kicks in, people will sense this and spend their fiat currencies as quickly as possible, thereby escalating money velocity, which could very well spark inflationary pressures.  Labor cost pressures are the biggest triggers for spiraling inflation, as they are embedded in every corner of our economy.

In Bernanke's zeal to defeat the deflationary pressures of the Great Depression, he is hellbent on sparking something far worse:  hyperinflation.

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