Saturday, August 10, 2013

Washington Thinks You're Stupid

Paul Craig Roberts is a hard-core conservative, and very libertarian (in thought, not necessarily politically).  He is also a former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, part of the financial and power elite--the status quo.

You would think he advocates war-mongering, NSA snooping and central bank largesse to support the military industrial complex.  Yet, he condones none of the above.

And don’t forget those nonexistent weapons of mass destruction that Saddam Hussein was alleged by Washington to possess. Or the Gulf of Tonkin fake event when Washington claimed that its warship was attacked by North Vietnam. Really, the list of official lies is very long. Anyone who believes anything that Washington says is too naive to be let out of the house alone. But Americans believe the lies, because that is what they think patriotism requires.

Relying on the proven gullibility of the bulk of the U.S. population, Washington claims to have uncovered an al-Qaida plot to attack U.S. embassies across North Africa and the Mideast. To foil the plot, Washington closed 19 embassies for the past weekend and for this week also.

He illustrates the destructive nature of American Imperialism.  Many Vietnamese lost lives unnecessarily, much like many Iraqui's and Afghans fact, innocents have lost their lives worldwide from US foreign policy.

Here is the worst part:  the US is funding al-Qaeda in Syria.  Yet, the US still targets al-Qaeda as terrorists (which they are).  Ron Paul was absolutely correct:  the US manufactures our enemies with our foreign policies.  Then we use the scorched earth solution to extract oil and minerals in these countries we target.  The War against Terror is being used as a cover.

It matters not who is President--the banking system funds the war machine, and the war machine "liberalizes" these rogue countries so the banks can open up new markets.  Any dictator who was voted in with the help of the CIA gets eliminated by the CIA if they don't play ball.

Wash, rinse, repeat.  There is a reason why they call CIA assassins washers.

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