Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Silver Eagle Sales Surge To All-Time Record In January

The 3% of American gold bugs is growing in number.  Asians are already all in.  This can only mean higher prices, as the sleepy-eyed masses finally wake up.  It will take time, but markets follow thermodynamic laws.  Those who studied Physics understand entropy:

entropy - a process of degradation or running down or a trend to disorder

For those who remember chemistry, the boiling point of water is 100 degrees Celsius.  Things get really hot at 99.9 Celsius, even if they appear calm on the surface.  But once 100.0 Celsius is breached, all hell breaks loose.

Gold and silver will reach their tipping point, or critical mass, when the masses figure out they've been duped by a paper ponzi scheme.  At that tipping point, precious metals will reach their escape velocity, much like a rocket escapes earth's atmosphere and shoots to the moon (to borrow another Physics metaphor).


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