Wednesday, December 21, 2011

London Trader - We are Witnessing a Historic Bottom in Gold
We are making a historic bottom right now.  The paper gold, or virtual gold market, has diverged so far from the physical market that it’s no longer a credible marketplace.  That’s the key thing that came out of a very important meeting I was in yesterday where we had some serious players.  The people I was meeting with are all on the buy side and have been since the lows last week.

There are massive physical orders, sitting, waiting for any more discounts, and yet everyone else seems to be short.  So you have huge fuel for a rally here. 

You have to keep in mind this recent plunge was orchestrated with borrowed gold and that borrowed gold is now gone.  That’s why gold can’t go much lower.  Any dips in price will be aggressively purchased.  As I said earlier, right now we are witnessing a historic bottom.”
What's in bold-face above is exactly what I've been forecasting for years:  the manipulated paper prices of precious metals will decouple from the physical markets due to shortages of the latter.

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