Thursday, June 23, 2011

Letter from Jim Sinclair

Dear Extended Family,
Today’s markets are exactly what you would expect as we enter illustration number three of the Skier.
Economic statistics are taking a hard fall.
Without QE who will buy US treasury issues?
Without QE where is the basis of world equity markets?
Without QE what do you think the chart of unemployment will look like?
Without QE how do you think the camouflage of the insolvent balance sheets of the financial industry will fare?
Without QE where is mortgage money coming from?
Without QE what do you think home prices will do?
Without QE how will the present Administration and the legislative be re-elected?
Without QE how will the States of the United States of America finance themselves?

Be prepared for a reversal of the decision to curtail QE at the end of June.
Be prepared for a snap back at a greater percentage of QE with a different name.
Be prepared for covert QE between July 1st and late August when stimulation goes wild.
Be prepared for gold to take out $1650 on the upside as magnets at $12,544 come into play.
Be prepared for the Inflationary Depression of all time.

Stand firm on your gold positions.
Stand firm on your discipline of NO margin.
Stand strong in your Swiss Franc and Canadian dollar positions.

Survive the MOPE and market manipulation that is so obvious today.
QE = Quantitative Easing = US Treasury Debt Monetization = Deficit Spending = Stimulus Spending = printing paper currency (and issuing credit reserves) out of thin air, backed by nothing

MOPE = Management of Perspective Economics = lies from government economists, politicians, and central bankers

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