Friday, August 30, 2024

The Nixon Shock

Nixon was “forced to” de-peg the USDollar to gold by pressures from two major factors around government overspending: LBJ’s Great Society and the Vietnam war. Both contributed to the draining of America’s gold reserves, pegged at $35/oz. Why? Because European countries like Italy and Franc, led by De Gaulle, bought gold at that artificially low gold price as they knew the price of gold and inflation would soar, as the U.S. dollar printing machine would go into overdrive. They were right. US gold reserves shrunk from 21000 metric tons to the “current official” 8100 (much of which is long gone), forcing Nixon to close the window of redeemability. Kissinger was brilliant—evil but brilliant, and convinced the Saudis to accept oil exports in USDollars as they were now as “good as gold”. In exchange for accepting petrodollars, America offered the Saudis “protection” by selling them US weapons. Full disclosure: I was too young to know this at the time, but my late father worked at the State department under Kissinger, and I worked in the defense industry, so while I’m proud of contributing to America’s security interests, it’s bittersweet because dollar hegemony is the one of the primary factors in these endless wars for regime changes. Which is why I pivoted to the private tech industry in the 90’s with the collapse of the Berlin Wall and end of the Cold War. Instead of being a benevolent peacekeeper, the US chose to continue its military expansion.

Historically this is how empires collapse, as the Romans experienced twice with their military overreach. That includes debasing of its sovereign currency. America did that in 1965, by removing silver from its coinage, similar to the Romans’ clipping of their coins. Unfortunately I have no confidence we can reverse the sinking of the USS titanic unless we implement sound money . The fiat paper experiment as been a disaster. We need clean air, water, and food. In that sequence. We also need clean money. This is why I’ve been stacking gold since 1999 and later became a distributor. It’s also why I’ve been stacking bitcoin since 2013. While my portfolio has appreciated, I’m not doing celebratory touchdown dances. Because if 97% of the population experiences their purchasing power and standard of living being persistently eroded, it’s not a world I want to celebrate. 

By the way, rising gold prices signal financial distress. This is why the monetary authorities and central banks enlisted commercial banks to artificially suppress prices by using financial futures derivatives. This was why futures exchanges were created in 1975. The official reasons are for producers to hedge their output and to provide liquidity for market efficiency. But the unwritten reason is to manipulate and suppress prices.

This is not conspiracy theory. JPMorgan traders were convicted of manipulating gold futures. The bank paid $920 million in fines. Initial charges were under RICO statutes which labeled the bank an organized crime enterprise.

Trump may now be pro-bitcoin, but he ordered the CFTC chairman to create futures exchanges for bitcoin in 2017 to literally drive its price down. It was effective as the price peaked the exact day bitcoin futures started trading December 18, 2017. I literally wrote about it a month prior to the CBOE and CME started trading bitcoin futures.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Kamala the Terrible


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

MicroStrategy Could Merit S&P 500 Inclusion If It Adopts New Accounting Rules: Benchmark

Microstrategy could potentially use fair accounting rules for 2024 Q4 and report blow out quarterly earnings in late January 2025.  This is not financial advice.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Microstrategy - Bitcoin Bear or Bull?

This is not financial advice.  Please perform your own due diligence.  These are my opinions only.

Microstrategy ("MSTR") will continue to acquire Bitcoin ("BTC") for its own corporate treasury during Bitcoin's projected peak price into 2025, if history repeats itself.  MSTR began its Bitcoin acquisition spree in Q3 of 2020, and has continued to buy Bitcoin for the duration of its rollercoaster ride since then, both up in 2021 and down in 2022, and up again in 2023.  Microstrategy's current holdings are 189,150 BTC purchased at an average price of $31,168 per Bitcoin.  They are obviously in the green.

MSTR is an operational leveraged proxy for Bitcoin, and it uses its income and balance sheet to acquire more Bitcoin either via debt or equity offerings--or cash flow.  This is normally dilutive to existing shareholders, but with careful and strategic acquisitions during favorable conditions (e.g., rising Bitcoin price, low interest rates), these periodic Bitcoin purchases are effectively accretive.

This "dollar cost averaging" strategy ran into perceived problems in 2022, when Bitcoin declined 78%  from its November 2021 peak.  Rumors were swirling that MSTR would have to liquidate if Bitcoin's price dipped below $20K, which it did on its way to a $15.5K cyclical bottom.  Michael Saylor was quick to respond that Bitcoin would have to drop below $5K before Microstrategy would have to liquidate its Bitcoin holdings.  And they certainly weren't in danger of going bankrupt.  In hindsight, Saylor was 100% correct.

As long as MSTR's core business intelligence software operating entity was generating cash flow, those flows and strategic deployment of its balance sheet could continue to fund future Bitcoin purchases.  My thoughts are that MSTR could continue these acquisitions throughout 2024 until 2025, as I believe Bitcoin's price will peak in Q3 2025 before starting another expected steep drawdown.  And in order to avoid any future speculation about MSTR's solvency or lack thereof, Saylor should refrain from any Bitcoin purchases in 2025 before the anticipated crash starting in the second half of 2025--just to be safe and ensure a big enough cushion to weather another inevitable crypto winter.

Meanwhile, if investors are bullish on Bitcoin until 2025, MSTR shares should increase proportionately even higher from its current price of $631 from a January 2023 bottom of $130.  It behaves like a leveraged play for Bitcoin, and will be superior to speculative performances of imminent spot BTC ETF's which should be approved any day now in early 2024. ETF's charge management fees up to 1% annually.  MSTR provides operational leverage, equivalent to yielding 2-3% annually.  That's a 3-4% positive spread in favor of MSTR over a spot BTC ETF..  This may explain why MSTR shares trade at a premium relative to its Bitcoin holdings.

Another bullish catalyst for MSTR is adoption of FASB fair value accounting for Bitcoin as a tangible asset instead of an intangible asset, which it currently is classified as.  This GAAP accounting rule kicks in for Bitcoin on December 15, 2024, but early adopters like MSTR can begin accounting for Bitcoin as an asset which doesn't impair its balance sheet due to "lowest value" accounting prior to the designated transition date.  Until fair value account is applied, MSTR's financial reporting shows repeated losses and balance sheet impairments.  This article explains why fair value accounting will encourage more companies to include Bitcoin into their corporate treasuries.

This chart shows how current accounting rules punish Microstrategy financial reporting.

Realistically, self-custodied Bitcoin is the optimal method to own Bitcoin, with Bitcoin custodied on centralized exchanges being a distant second due to potential for security breaches.  But for mainstream institutional and retail investors, a spot BTC ETF is the next best way to achieve exposure to the price of Bitcoin, even if it is not owning Bitcoin itself, the underlying asset.  In exchange for self-custody, the spot ETF provides convenience and ease of trading a security, without the hassles of managing one's own security keys, which can lead to loss of Bitcoin--if mismanaged.  The downside for ETF's includes this question: can investors trust the BlackRock's and Fidelity's of the world, and their respective custodial agents?  That is another topic better covered in another blog.

To clarify misleading nomenclature, a "security" carries downside risk of being zeroed out.  There are many high-profile examples of bankruptcies, with infamous cases being Lehman Brothers, Worldcom, Enron, FTX, etc., where shareholders are wiped out.  The list of body bags among smaller corporations is even larger.  By contrast, Bitcoin the actual asset, is a commodity, which ironically, reduces and eliminates the risk of it going to zero.  Bitcoin, like crude oil, gold, silver, silver, corn, wheat, natural gas, pork bellies, orange juice, etc. are commodities.  Their digital manifestations and futures contracts are traded at the Chicago Board Options Exchanges and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, for instance.

The last BTC vehicle to address are the futures based BTC ETF's which are already listed.  They are the least optimal asset because they are subject to high slippage costs.

In summary, the order of preference, in terms of higher security and lower cost, are as follows:

Bitcoin in cold storage (offline, most secure)

Bitcoin on an exchange (convenient for trading, but exposed to potential security threat vectors)

MSTR shares (a security, convenient for trading, offers leveraged BTC exposure with no fees)

Spot BTC ETF (a security, convenient for trading, lower management fees than futures BTC ETF, GBTC Trust)

Futures BTC ETF (a security, convenient for trading, higher management fees and slippage)

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Unlocking The Psychology Of Bitcoin's Bear Market

Important note:  a trough low occurs before a breakout to the upside.  We reached a Bitcoin secular low in November 2022, independently of when the next breakout will occur.

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Monday, April 3, 2023

Fed Funds Rate and Equities: What's the Lag?

The Fed Funds Rate peaked at 7.03% in 2000.  The target rate was 6.5% in 2000, and was first dropped on January 3, 2001 to 6%.  It eventually bottomed at 1% on June 24, 2003.

This was the so-called tech bubble, so I'm tracking the NASDAQ.

The NASDAQ peaked at 5049 on March 10, 2000 and declined 78% to 1114 on October 9, 2002.

The Fed Funds Rate peaked at 5.41% in 2007.  The target rate was 5.25% until August 7, 2007.  The Fed dropped it to 4.75% on September 18, 2007.  It eventually bottomed at 0% on December 15, 2008.

This was the Great Financial Crisis, so I'm using the S & P 500 Index.

The S & P 500 peaked at 1565 on October 9, 2007 and declined 57% to 677 on March 9, 2009.

The takeaway message?  The Fed was late in dropping the targeted Fed Funds Rate, finally acting on January 3, 2001, a lag of 10 months after the NASDAQ peaked in March, 2000.  And the NASDAQ continued to plummet even as the FFR continued to decline.  In fact, the bottom in the NASDAQ tech bubble didn't occur until October, 2002, some 21 months after the Fed initially dropped the FFR.

With the Great Financial Crisis, the Fed acted more quickly, initially dropping the FFR in September, 2007. a month before the S & P 500 started cratering in October, 2007.  However, the Fed's aggressive easing did not prevent the S & P 500 from declining 57% to its March, 2009 bottom, thanks to the bank bailouts (TAFP, TALF, P-PIP, etc.).

In 2023, despite bank runs and another brewing financial crisis, the Fed continues to raise its targeted FFR.  When they finally do pivot and drop the FFR, it will probably be too little and too late.  Based on the two most recent cycles (and this one should be worse as debt loads and the insolvent Fed's balance sheet is more leveraged than ever), we can expect equities to face severe headwinds for the next 12 to 24 months, post-FFR finally declining (probably this summer).  The silver lining in all this is the S & P 500 peaked on December 29, 2021 at 4793, so we are off our all-time highs (currently 4109 at the time of this writing).  The key question then becomes is the bottom in?  Will bank runs be ring-fenced and contagion avoided?  And how much liquidity will be needed to prevent contagion of counterparty risks?  Monetary authorities have hinted at between $2 trillion and $18 trillion.

A side effect will be inflation as the Fed and US Treasury will provide trillions in liquidity and credit in an attempt to cushion collapsing financial markets if they do indeed collapse, with the latest vehicle dubbed the BTFP.

Foreign financial institutions will also be feeding at the trough in the form of currency swaps.

But don't worry, it's not "QE", so all is well.  /sarcasm

Disclaimer: The content on this site is provided as general information only and is not investment advice. Content should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell any specific security or financial product, or to participate in any particular investment strategy. The ideas expressed on this site are solely the opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the opinions of firms affiliated with the author(s). The author(s) may or may not have a position in any security referenced herein. Any action that you take as a result of information or analysis on this site is ultimately your responsibility. Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices, or other information contained on this site is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice. The author will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation to, any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on such information. Consult your professional investment adviser before making any investment decisions. Perform your own due diligence.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Silvergate Short Squeeze?

February 15, 2023, 12:42 am email to business partners:

Silvergate is the most shorted stock right now

Gregory Nguyen

12:42 AM (0 minutes ago)
to KeriEdwin

Short squeeze coming.  $14.50 low yesterday, closed at $17.36.

Saturday, February 4, 2023

3 Things Most People Don’t Know About Gold, Bitcoin, and Money

I first blogged about Bitcoin in 2011 and 2013.  This one penned in 2023 does a good job of covering Bitcoin from a high altitude.

Monday, November 7, 2022

NFT God on Monetizing Twitter

Content monetization will allow for Twitter empires to be built You need to start preparing today In this thread I’ll cover: • Experiment with video • Master threads • Master Twitter Spaces • Network with other content creators • Improve your writing

Content monetization will allow for Twitter empires to be built You need to start preparing today In this thread I’ll cover: • Experiment with video • Master threads • Master Twitter Spaces • Network with other content creators • Improve your writing

ACTION ITEMS: • Use your smartphone camera (nothing fancy is necessary) • Record short form videos (literally doesn’t have to be longer than 10 seconds) • Recreate memes in video form • Break down the news stories of the day • Give a hot take

Master threads The number one way to get impressions on Twitter is quality threads Monetization will for sure come to threads, as mid thread ads are a no brainer Practice writing threads now, make massive profits in the future

ACTION ITEMS: • Make a list of topics you care about • Choose a topic and break it into 3 or 4 ideas • Flesh out those ideas with bullet points • You now have enough content for a thread • Post once a week, this practice will be invaluable

Master Twitter Spaces Twitter Spaces is the best live audio tool on the entire internet Expect Twitter to double down on this killer feature with monetization Sponsored Spaces are a no brainer Spaces are also one of the best ways to build an audience

ACTION ITEMS: • Make it a regular habit to listen to and speak on Spaces daily • Take notes on what makes Spaces entertaining and interesting • Host your own regular space (only need to do this once a week) • Start building your regular Spaces audience now

Network with other content creators Content created in collaboration with others always gets more eyes More eyes = more profit when you can monetize Start networking now with similar accounts

ACTION ITEMS: • Reply to tweets on similar accounts in the same niche • DM offering to collaborate on content • Write collab tweets and threads • Draft out ideas to make it easy for your collaborator. Send them over so creating content is as easy as possible for them

Improve your writing Twitter is a writing platform In order to get more impressions and engagement, you need to improve your writing A well written tweet has the power to get millions of impressions More impressions = more profit when monetization starts

ACTION ITEMS: • Focus on the quality of your writing • Make your writing more concise • Less words • More punchy • Make the first line in the tweet hook users in • Read books on writing (my favorite is Elements of Style)

Thousands of people are making millions of dollars off of Youtube content monetization That powerful revenue generator is coming to Twitter If you start building now, you’ll be amongst the first to build a true Twitter empire

Pitch Decks by Brett Adcock

— Follow a proven structure — The best decks tackle the following: → Company purpose → Problem → Solution → Team → Product → Biz Model → Market/TAM → Financials → Competitors

— Declare an enemy — You want to create common ground immediately in a pitch. Don't make it "Your Company vs The Investors". Make it "All of Us vs The Problem". Put the investors on your side ASAP. E.g. The common enemy for Tesla is fossil fuels.

— Clarify the problem — No one will invest without understanding the real problem you solve. You have to give clarity on: → What the problem is → Who it affects → What current solutions exist → Why those solutions are failing Then explain why you're the best at solving it

p.s. Investors love seeing founders solving a personal pain point.

"I couldn't find a solution for X issue so I created Y" Having a personal problem you are trying to solve makes you the customer.

— Accentuate your social proof — If you have: → High User Engagement → Product Market Fit → A dynamic team → Proven sales Highlight this in your deck. Investors want to know you have momentum and opportunities outside of their investment.

— Sell the benefits — There will be a time to showcase your features. Investors want to know the benefits your product brings to the market. These benefits highlight the real opportunity. e.g. Figure: no more 8 hour days & high attrition, robots can work 20 hours a day.

— Talk long-term — Investors need to know that this is a 10-year (minimum) project for you and your team. Commit by showing your massive plans, broken down by milestones. E.g. Year 1: we will accomplish X, Year 5: we will accomplish Y, etc.

— Give succinct data — Have every bit of data in your back pocket, but only show the key notes. If you show everything, none of it will bear weight in the pitch. If you show the most important points, it will stick in investors' minds.

Pro Tip: Bring a pitch deck to meetings with an extended Appendix. The Appendix includes answers to every possible question you might encounter. Over time as you field new questions, add them to the Appendix.

— Customize your format — Meeting with Sequoia? They have a recommended format. Chatting with First Round? They could have a different pitch deck preference. Research if the Partner has a recommended deck format, and use it. They're telling you how they think. Align with them

— Talk openly about risk — Investors know that every opportunity is risky. You aren't going to trick them into thinking otherwise. But you can show that you: → Have thought your idea through → Believe you will overcome the risks → Are realistic (enough) about your company

Let's recap: → Follow a proven structure → Declare an enemy → Clarify the problem → Accentuate your social proof → Sell the benefits → Talk long-term → Give succinct data → Customize your format → Talk openly about risk