Sunday, August 26, 2012

Smart Money acknowledges its big miss with GATA and gold

The editors at the soon-to-be-defunct Smart Money magazine admit they were dumb on gold.  Perhaps it's one of the reasons they are going out of business.  The other probably includes the retail investors' distrust of rigged markets.

Imagine that:  they thought gold would plummet when it was priced at $422/ounce back in 2004.  How much gold would you buy today at $422?  Answer:  as much as possible.

How about at $1670?  The answer a few years from now could be the same.
GATA explained it to Smart Money then and since then has been explaining it to everyone else with eyes to see and ears to hear. But while you can lead a financial journalist to a central bank, you can't make him ask the right questions. 

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